popping in as i do with each piece now to say i’m in awe of your mind! i can say with confidence you are one of my favorite writers at the moment

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you don’t know how much that means to hear!

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Gorgeous. Time is meaningless until it ages us -- and even then, what seems to be a measure of life lost can really be an exhibit of how much life has been lived. Everything is relative. Thanks for the reminders. Side note: "The Comfort of Strangers" !! What a film. As the summer wanes on, as much as I also love NYC, I do wish I could be lounging in Venice!

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beautifully said!!!

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Worthwhile is a marker of time. An investment, an endurance between the beginning and the payoff. When you say our relationship is more than worthwhile, you untether it from the future reward. You anchor it in the present.  — my favourite part! what a heartwarming essay :)

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thanks for taking the time to read and share what you liked!!

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